Okay, these are the conditions. And they are not a starting points for negotiations, they are the same for everyone.
First of all, just to get that out of the way, I don't pay for artwork.
It's not that I'm stingy, it is just that it costs so much to send money
to foreigners these days. Oh, and I have decided not to make an exception
for Norwegians. Why should they have an unfair advantage just because they
happen to live in the "right" country?
Okay, so I'm kind of stingy but not the way I meant at first. Anyway I
think paying someone to do something is the easy way and not much fun, I'd
rather make you want to draw me, which is why I spent my first
couple of years just hanging around and posing when I noticed artists in
the vicinity. (Don't laugh, it worked with Mark!)
I have started getting a bit more active of late after Mark told me what I
"had" to do, though.
Trading might work if we can find something I have (or can get in Norway)
that you want. Long as it doesn't cost too much to mail (like anvils) and
isn't illegal either to import or export anyway (like foodstuffs to the
Even though some of the visitors who left a note in my guest book seem to
think I drew everything on this site, I don't draw very well, so we can't
trade art for art. Well, Mark once suggested to some other art guy that he
(Mark) could draw him (the other guy) and then he (the other guy) could
draw me, but nothing has come out of that yet so I don't know if it would
work. Anyway you would have to ask Mark about that. Either page him on the
MUCK (that's MarkVega in one word) or check
his site for his current email address and samples of his work.
Second (finally!) you need to know how I look. Some artists insist on
getting a description by email, requiring me to find or create a file with
the desc, cut and paste it into my email progam and send it. Quite a bit of
hassle, particularly right now when all you have to do is explore this
site. I'll even make it easier for you and provide a
link straight to my descriptions page.
Another variant that's happened to me a couple of times is that someone has
summoned me or come to the place where I was, while I was online, and
looked at me directly. That works too, and is actually a bit of roleplaying
(I 'pose' for the artist or rather his character directly), so I won't
object to that unless I'm very busy.
As for the result, some have no choice but to email a JPEG or GIF file to me, but if you have a web or FTP site I would actually prefer if you could put it there for me to download. (As far as I know, files sent by email are actually encoded in a special format that takes up more space than the original file, so uploading/downloading would be easier on the bandwidth.)
If you draw on paper and then scan, you get to keep the original artwork unless you really want to give it away and can spare the postage to Norway. I get to do whatever I like with the file, which usally means putting it on this site with or without comments, and cropping a copy to make a thumbnail. It may also include converting to different formats and sizes. You can also put it on your site, with or without comments, and preferably with a link to this site. Let me know if you want a mail or web link connected with your name. Oh, and I usually refer to you (and the other artists) by character name. Let me know if you prefer your real name (though it's going to look a bit funny on a site run by a character!).
Okay, who said "money"? Read the page again! ;)